

Fr Jijo Kandamkulathy, Claretian priest working in Macau..

The Director of Claretian Publications, Macau and Founding member of Grace EduCare Foundation as well as a Founder of Cantata Macau International Choral Festival. He has spent his life in service to others and continues to shine the light when darkness strikes. An Ericsonian in his psycho-spiritual perspective, his hobbies are analysing the Bible stories with semiotic and psychological tools.

PhD Scholar in Cognitive Semiotics

Trajectory of a Missionary

Principal of Saint Claret School, Guawahati
(2006 – 2008)
His passion for providing value based education brought him to this school.

Vice Principal and Administrator, Saint Claret College, Ziro
(2010 – 2012)
Working in a nascent College with a dedicated team was the highlight of this period.

Director Claretian Publications, Macau
(2015 – )
This is the first international career he has picked up as a Claretian.


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